I work on the conviction that no one needs to be “fixed”. I trust in all humans’ innate, intuitive wisdom that urges each of us toward healing and wholeness. We are all at different points on this trajectory and the work we do together is but one point along the path. I pledge to hold with respect wherever (or whomever) you may be at this time in your life. I will refrain from interpreting your experience or giving advice. Rather, I will facilitate your agency in making your own meaning and choices. I strive to hold an open, welcoming and dogma-free container for a your exploration.
Come as you are and that is enough.
This work can be transformative, even blissful and euphoric-but it is not always easy. The journey can be intense, uncomfortable and downright scary at times, as it is essentially the process of becoming truly intimate with oneself, with life and even with death. What we may find on the other side of these experiences is an expanded capacity for for feeling, expressing, tolerating, creating, connecting and being human; in other words, we may become more open to love.
If you feel this path may be right for you, please reach out to me via the Connect page. I’ll be happy to hear from you.